Chief Executive Officer at Start360
Posted on 08 April, 2022 News

Our founding Chief Executive, Anne-Marie McClure is retiring after a lifetime career of delivering truly life-changing interventions and the role becomes available at an exciting time of change and growth in the charity’s activities. We are now looking for an exceptional leader who will be confident and empathetic in giving direction to our organisation, who can bring out the best in our excellent team, and who can represent our mission and our service users to influencers and decision-makers at the highest level.
Who We Are
Start360 was born in 1993 in North Belfast as a small public sector project. The charity has grown to establish itself across Northern Ireland, currently employing 90 staff and volunteers, delivering 26 services from 5 locations in the community - Belfast, Ballymena x 2, Derry/Londonderry and Lurgan. Start360 also delivers services throughout the prison estate in Magilligan, Maghaberry and Hydebank.
Start360 is a cutting-edge contributor of support services to young people and adults at risk, including their families. Start360 believes in positive change. We help service-users find something to believe in when they need it most. We offer holistic support to assist and circumnavigate what service-users believe is holding them back while also allowing them to systematically deal with barriers/obstacles in their lives.
"Start360 has been at the forefront of providing help and support to young people and adults at risk across Northern Ireland for nearly three decades. We are an agent for positive change for the individuals and families that we help – dealing holistically with the issues that may be holding them back from living their best lives. We help tackle barriers that range from substance use, mental health issues, offending behaviours through to issues of literacy and numeracy, or the effects of isolation." Tony Clarke (Chair Start360)
What We Do
Start360 provides a range of services and interventions targeting the health, justice and employability needs of its service users. These include casework, keywork, solution-focused action-planning, crisis response, therapeutic mentoring, counselling, systemic family therapy, focused family support, CBT, complementary therapies, NLP, groupwork, physical fitness, and outdoor residential experiences.
Our holistic approach has one critical component common to all services/interventions - positive challenge. Start360 challenge service-users to take responsibility for their actions and ownership of their issues. Start360 provide support as privileged facilitators in this process. This work occurs in a variety of settings including the home, the community, the prisons, Hydebank College, the juvenile justice centre, residential care, youth clubs and schools.
We have continually developed our services to meet the changing needs of our users, and we will continue to do so. It’s in the DNA of our organisation. Our mission extends to helping inform policy and public opinion on the issues that affect our service users.
We are pleased to have enlisted the help of the experts in third sector executive recruitment, Engage Executive Talent, in the search for the organisation’s new leader, so they will be handling initial queries on the recruitment process.
For more information and how to apply please visit:
Closing Date: 12pm Monday 16th May 2022