Connections South

Start360’s Community Alcohol and Drugs Information and Networking Service

Area Southern Heath & Social Care Trust , Dungannon, Portadown, Lurgan, Armagh, Newry,
Age Range 18+ 10-17
Concern Category Drugs and/or alcohol,

About the Service

The Connections service works to develop and deliver drug and/or alcohol-related projects, events and initiatives. Connections works closely with local community groups and forums, service user representatives and/or networks and with drug and alcohol service providers to identify any emerging trends, issues of concern and gaps or pressures in service delivery.

The service will:

  • Support existing and develop new initiatives that address alcohol and drug related harm in urban and rural areas, including inter-agency/cross partnership working with relevant partners, including Policing and Community Safety Partnerships.
  • Ensure that the Drug and Alcohol Monitoring Information System (DAMIS) is promoted and supported and that the Local Drugs and Alcohol and Community Incident Protocol is operated effectively when required.
  • Advocate and promote adherence to existing legislation concerning regulation.
  • Build capacity for those working and volunteering in the community sector to ensure that they have access to relevant information/resources on alcohol and drugs and that they can then provide information, support and signposting to those affected by substance misuse in their communities.
  • Use local media and social media, along with PHA, service provider and partner websites to raise awareness of local alcohol and drug services, issues or concerns.
  • Participate in the roll out of regional initiatives/pieces of work with the other local Community Alcohol and Drugs Information and Networking Services.
  • Build on, or establish, links with existing local and community infrastructures.


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